

Happy Veteran's Day to all the past and present people that have and will serve our country!

So, today is 11/11/11, something about that makes me happy.

And for the record, I will have one bad-ass wish today at 11:11 am.  :)

I have been such a bad weight loser lately.  I have lost my mojo, and need to find it.  I mean, I haven't been horrible, as in I haven't gained much.  But considering I have so much to lose, I should be losing.  I did end up canceling my WW membership, for now. I'm tired of counting points and all of that. So I've decided for a couple of weeks, I'm just going to go off of how I feel. I mean, I know what I should and shouldn't eat (thanks to WW the last year), but I really need to learn how to not mindlessly eat or eat my emotions <---totally guilty on that one.  So, for the next 2 weeks, I'm going to really pay attention to hunger signals and how I'm feeling.  I'll still WI on Monday's like usual, but no more counting points or calories (not that I did that anyway).  We'll see how this goes.

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