
Excuse my language

But my fucking check bounced. That's makes for a very irritable Heather. It's time for bed.

Scale Tales Monday

Last week: 256.8
This week: 258.6
Difference: +2

I've been really lax the last couple weeks. I didn't renew my WW subscription, thinking I could do it on my own. I rejoined this morning after stepping on the scale.  I have no excuses for gaining 3 lbs the last 2 weeks. I've deserved them.  I think I needed them. I'm going to work hard this week.  I'm going to start working out again.  I'm going to start pre-planning my foods, and not just winging it.  That is killing me more than anything, I think. 


A Mish Mash

I have no actual one thought for this post, just a few thrown together.

1. I've been really good eating wise this week.  I hope the scale shows me some love on Monday.
2. Mom has decided to start walking with me after work most days of the week!  Hopefully that will give me the ass kicking, jumpstart that I need.
3. I'm not sure that I'm going to meet a single goal for March, and I'm not stressing about it.
4. Clayton and I have decided not to go on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding.  We have some furniture and appliances to upgrade/purchase first.  But we are planning to do on next spring for our 6 month anniversary.  I was bummed at first, but I'm ok with it now.  It is the smarter thing to do.
5. I only have 30 minutes of work left for today, then mom and I are headed to Raleigh to let the puppies play show dog at the match tonight!  Only my second dog related event since last July...
6. My old girl, Marin, has a thyroid tumor.  I felt it last Sunday, and our vet confirmed what we thought. She's almost 11 and the happiest dog ever.  We are taking her for a consultation with the vet school in a week and a half. 
7. I'm working on a wedding project that is bound to make a few people cry, including myself.

Now to leave you with a couple pictures :)

Kit Kat is becoming the perfect snuggle buddy!

Old girl Marin.  She surely doesn't act 11!


Scale Tales Monday

Last week: 255.8
This week: 256.6
Difference: +.8

Of course I'm bummed that I gained some, but looking back at my week, I'm not really surprised.  I slacked majorly for most of the week, so I deserved it.  And I like having gains when they are deserved, just because I know that if I would have had a loss, that wouldn't have really motivated me to change anything this week.  I know what I need to do this week to see a loss, and I am determined to do it!


Wedding Dress!

I found the one.  It was the 3rd one I actually tried on.  I first picked out 3 or 4, but then realized the ones I picked wouldn't actually go on (stupid sample sizes) so they were just held up to me.  But of course there was no way I was going to buy a dress that wasn't actually on my body!

Thankfully my consultant was amazing.  She pulled the rest.  I would have never picked the dress off the hanger for myself, but I knew immediately it was the one.  And once she put a veil on me, it was over.  She asked if I wanted to try on the others, and my answer was no.  It is amazing. I can't wait until October to be able to share it with you all!

I went sort of a non-traditional way, and took my dad with my mom, my younger sister to pick it.  I thought he was going to cry.  I'm glad we chose to have him as part of the process.  He won't see anymore of the dress or veil/hair peice I end up picking until my wedding day.  And I haven't decided if I want the veil or a hair peice. I just can't decide. But at least I have some time for that. 

Now I need to work on my save the dates, find a caterer (that I can afford), baker and sign the photographers contract. Then I need to pick invitations. So much to do. But the "big" stuff is almost all taken care of!


Scale Tales Monday

Last week: 255.8
This week: 255.8
Loss this week: 0
Loss for the year: -4.4

So I maintained, which is fine considering how not good I was over the weekend.  I had a couple of meals out, so maintaining is fine with me!  Next week will be a loss!


Wedding dress shopping...

Commences tomorrow with my mom and sister. I'm so excited, but kinda nervous at the same time. I'll post an update sometime this weekend!


Scale Tales Monday

Today's WI: 255.8
This Week: -0.6
Total for the year: -4.4

I'll take it!  I wasn't great over the weekend, but I didn't go crazy either.

I'm really going to start working on my March Goals starting this week. 

So far so good as I pre-tracked my day this morning and I contributed to my goal of losing 5 lbs for the month this week.


March Goals

How is it March already?  This year is flying by! 

Goals for March:
1. Lose 5 lbs
2. Workout 3-4 times a week
3. Start tracking better/consistently
4. Try 5 new recipes
5. Eat out 1 time per week

When I post the Scale Tales Monday, I'll post an update on the goals weekly, mainly the workouts, new recipes and eating out parts.