
Learning Lessons

So, Tuesday after work I had to stop and grab a few things from the grocery store. But I went when I was feeling snacky and hungry.  Bad idea.  I ended up buying a bag of doritos (which I love and could eat a bag at once probably). I ate probably 3 servings while watching a little tv that night.  Which isn't the end of the world.  The problem being, I've been snacky ever since. Yesterday I couldn't get enough salty goodness in my mouth.

So today, I have healthy snacks, some fruits and veggies and a nice filling lunch with me.  Today won't be like yesterday was!  I'll turn this week around and end it on a good note!

A couple weeks ago my leader handed out some little slips of paper that said: "Remember, It's not how hard I fall....It's how high I bounce." I took a couple of them.  I just remembered this morning they were in my purse. One is now taped to my work computer screen, and I'm going to put the other one either in my car or somewhere at home.  This is a lifelong journey that I am tackling, not a month or even a year long one.  I'll have my ups and downs, I just have to remember that the downs don't define me, the ups do!

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