
New Year, New Goals

I hate resolutions.  So for the first time in my life, I don't have any. I've never kept them anyway.

So this year, I have goals instead.

1. Health first: I'm going to really stick to my WLJ.  I have a number in mind that I'd like to get to by the end of the year, but I'm going to keep it to myself for now.  But I do have it written down.  I've renewed my Weight Watchers membership, and I'm ready to do this.
2. Get in an exercise routine.  My first goal is going to be 3 days a week.  I'll increase as I get into it more.  But I don't want to burn myself out too soon.
3. Plan my wedding. Pretty self explainatory.  We haven't set a date yet, but I'm thinking probably October or November.
4. Pay off my credit card and get a decent amount in savings.
5. Get a new job.  This has been a goal for the last 1.5 years now.  I'm going to up the job search and re-vamp my resume, and I will get a new job this year.

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